

Pneumonia sucks. It’s been a rough long week for Miss Annie. I took her in for the first time on Sunday. It is now late Thursday night and she is still feeling crappy. It’s hard to hear your 3 year old tell you that she can’t breathe. We do breathing treatments and antibiotics around the clock. I was hoping that we would have seen more improvement by now, but I’ve heard that it can take months for pneumonia to resolve itself.

Annie misses school, dance class and swimming lessons. She is a girl that likes to be on the go and doing something ALL the time. Sitting around at home recovering is not her idea of a good time. After this many days of being stuck in the house other than trips to the doctor, we’re all going a little stir crazy. Here’s hoping that it will all be over soon.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Kendra
    Mar 12, 2011 @ 04:12:49

    >Aw poor baby!!! I hope she gets better fast!Jase had that back around Christmas time, it's the worst!


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